At first,I saw Imakubex posted this video in iluvislam,but I decided to watch it later since I have exams [I know,it's such a lame excuse..hehe!]
Second time,I received an email from a friend who suggested me to watch this video.And this time I really felt like watching it for sure. Alhamdulillah it only took 6.56 minutes of my life,yet it gave me good insights and impressions on these good-hearted Americans.This video almost brought me into tears =)
According to,discriminate means
to make a distinction in favor of or against a person or thing on the basis of the group, class, or category to which the person or thing belongs rather than according to actual merit; show partiality.I am so impressed and touched whenever I see people who fight for justice,and treat people with respect and dignity regardless of the differences in religion,skin colour,ethnicity,dresses/apparels and etc.And it's Allah the Almighty,who cultivate these feelings of justice,love,mercy and respect to the Americans that fought for the muslim woman's rights and dignity.There's a sahih hadith mentioned,which we can ponder upon:
Narrated Jarir bin Abdullah Al Bajaliyyi r.a. :The Prophet SAW said,"Whover is not merciful to others,will not be treated mercifully." (Sahih Al Bukhari)
So,let us look at the brief statistic again:
13 people stood up for the muslim woman
6 customers sided with the clerk i.e. support the notion of discrimination at the bakery
22 said or did absolutely nothing.It constitutes 53.66% of the customers,or in other words,these group of people won the majority!!
So,which group are we in??Are we the ones who like to keep things to ourselves and stay silent?Sedangkan we are capable of showing our stands and opinions on this matter..
Are we ready to defend the non Muslim,if they are being discriminated or being offended by the Muslim??
Or are we just like the clerk??Perhaps,we might still discriminate people dalam diam, tanpa sedar?Eg:orang yang kurang gemar akan nasyid,sebaliknya suka melayan lagu-lagu rock dan punk dianggap tidak layak untuk diletakkan thiqah [respek] padanya,orang yang pergi clubbing dan berpakaian sedikit seksi dianggap tidak mempunyai harapan untuk ditabiyah lalu dialienatedkan..Atau dalam konteks berjemaah pula,terdapat sesetengah diantara kita ini yang suka melabel seseorang dengan brand jemaah.Selepas itu,mereka ini lebih banyak mencari titik-titik perbezaan rather than titik persamaan yang akan menimbulkan persefahaman dan permuafakatan.
Mengikut interpretation saya yang tidaklah merujuk kepada the latest edition of Kamus Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka ,diskriminasi berlaku apabila someone itu terlalu rigid,felt threatened dan sukar untuk berlapang dada dalam sesuatu perkara.Mereka mencipta barrier within themselves dan memberi layanan yang berbeza kepada those yang dianggap tidak sekumpulan dengan mereka.Mungkin interpretasi ini a bit misleading,but we definitely need to find for the equilibrium and generate synergy to make Islam move forward,aren't we?Belajarlah untuk berhusnuzon [bersangka baik] dan siasat sesuatu perkara thoroughly before we jump into the conclusion straight away.InshaAllah,sama-sama kita improve dalam soal ini =D
Last but certainly not the least,tepuklah dada,buka minda dan tanya iman masing-masing..dimanakah kita sekarang??
Ps:Some concerned Nottingham University's students and staffs menganjurkan demonstrasi aman berkenaan racism dan academic freedom di hadapan Hallward Library harini.Perhimpunan tersebut dianjurkan atas sebab tuduhan "terrorism" terhadap seorang staff dan seorg student Notts yang memiliki materials berkenaan terrorism walhal,it is actually for research purposes.
Poster untuk demonstration