We wish to highlight to all that PETRONAS does not allow students to get married while still undergoing studies.
With reference to Clause 8 (d) of the PETRONAS Education Sponsorship Agreement that you and your guarantors, having signed, would have agreed to abide and to adhere to the said clause as follows:
8.Adalah selanjutnya dipersetujui dan diakui bahawa semasa dalam tempoh Kursus Pengajian, Pelajar:
(d) jikalau belum berkahwin pada tarikh Perjanjian ini, tidak boleh berkahwin kecuali terlebih dahulu mendapat kebenaran daripada PETRONAS.
Stern action is going to be taken to those who are found not abiding to this clause.
Thank you for your time and kind attention.
Jadi,ingatlah ye wahai kawan-kawan Petronas sekalian-Klaus 8d.Ku tunggu juga jemputan majlis kawan-kawan sekalian dengan sabar dan gembira disini.
"Aku datang UK ke datang ke Pakistan ni?"
"Apsal gi mana-mana je nampak muka orang Bangladesh dengan Pakistan?"
Ini antara kata-kata yang pernah saya dengar atau mungkin pernah saya ucapkan sepanjang berkelana di bumi UK.For all Malaysian students in UK,particularly in Nottingham;pernahkah anda terfikir akan jawapan kepada segala persoalan dan pernyataan di atas?Seriously,I have never thought that the community in Britan are more multi-cultural than Malaysia.Based on my observation and readings,these ethnic minorities are predominantly constituted by Pakistanis and Bangladeshis.It may seems trivial to others,but I somehow perceive that it is rather interesting (at least to me) to dig out the reason behind the 'kebanjiran' of Pakistanis and Bangladeshis in UK,and understand more about the population structure and their positions in the British society.So,sesiapa yang berminat untuk mengetahui akan hal ini,boleh teruskan pembacaan anda.
Brief History
In early 1950s,British labour market are acutely short of labour.This is due to the Second World War which involves a majority of the world nations including Great Britain.As a result,the British government encouraged migration from the Indian sub-continent and the Carribean islands to replace their people whom had been killed during the war in the labour market.The mass migration had continued until The 1962 Commonwealth Immigrations Act barred free entry of new workers from British Commanwealth except for family reunion purposes (Phizacklea and Ram,1995).
Current Condition of British Labour Market
According to a survey carried out by Labour Force Survey 2006,more than one in 10 working age people in Great Britain are of an ethnic minority background.Over two thirds of all working age ethnic minorities are concentrated in London, West Midlands Metropolitan, East Midlands, West Yorkshire and Greater Manchester, with 44% concentrated in London alone.So,this may answer some of your question,of why there is too many of Pakistanis and Bangaldeshis concentrated in certain places particularly in London.Unfortunately,it is reported that 12% of ethnic minority people are unemployed (ILO unemployment), compared with only 5% of whites. In this case the Pakistani women being the group that are most likely to be unemployed (25%) compared to the rest ethnicity.
Evidently,ethnic minorities especially Pakistanis dan Bangladeshis suffer the most ethnic discrimination in Britain in the labour market.Lindley(2002) suggests that non-white Muslims in Great Britain may be suffering double discrimination:for being from an ethnic minority group and for being Muslim.Conflicts between Asian and the Whites and the police escalated into riots in summer 1991 in northern town of England(ni ala-ala tragedi 13 Mei 1969) .The report by the Home Office clearly identified that Islamophobia as a problem in Oldham,Burnley and Bradford,and it is the source of the conflict that I have mentioned above.
Ethnic minorities are also subject to prejudice and stereotyping due to lack of understanding on religious and culture practices.For instance:
- Assuming that muslims may not be as productive as a result of religous practice,including frequent requirement for time off prayer or during Ramadhan .
- The women being repeatedly questioned by their managers about forced marriages and when she is going to have to get married .
- Some employers may adopt Becker 1957 taste theory which suggest that employers are willing to pay wage premium to avoid the so-called 'undesirable groups'.
- Ethnic minorities are competitive threat to the majority group (whites) in the labour market because they are taking away the latter's job and driving the wages down (it's not necessarily true based on some research).
Although discrimination are illegal,but they are still much alived nowadays (Let's reflect on Malaysia too).So,since they are now have disadvantaged on being ethnic minorities in labour market,what are their choices and futures?The policies enforced by the Governement such as Race Relation Act 1976,Race Relation (Ammendment) Act 2000,and Race Relation (Ammendment) Act 2003 are weak and maybe ignored by the employers.There are 61% of the British companies adopt equal opportunities policies;nonetheless,less than half of the companies introduce the equal opportunities practice to back up the policies.Sadly,equal opportunity policies remain low priority for the companies.The main concern for most of the companies are maximizing profit not morality.
Nak dipendekkan cerita,what is left to the ethnic minorities in Britain,particularly Bangladeshis and Pakistanis?Probably,this is some of the factors that answers why there are many of them involve in business such as restaurant,supermarket or taxi company.Their positions in the labour market are unlikely to improve in the future if they work 'makan gaji only especially dengan institutionalised discrimination which has embedded in the company.Besides,if I am not mistaken, Rasulullah SAW pernah menegaskan bahawa perniagaan mempunyai kedudukan yang tinggi di sisi Allah SWT. Sabda Rasulullullah “Sembilan persepuluh sumber rezeki (boleh diperoleh) melalui perniagaan,” (HR Tirmizi).

Child workers in Bangladesh.Susahnya nak cari rezeki...
Have we say our thanks to Allah today for being able to go to school and take exams?
I always believe that humans deserve respect and they are entitled to certain basic rights.It is important to value the differences among us by recognizing the uniqueness,strengths and weaknesses of one another so that everyone will feel welcomed,appreciated and strongly united.I know people are afraid of differences and changes,something which are rather different (read:peculiar) from their norms and values.But that doesn't justify our action not to give equal treatment to others.Apetah lagi keadilan sangat-sangat dititikberatkan dalam Islam.
I still remember a true story of Mr Porma who suffered routine abusement by his foremen and team leaders;just because he is a Pakistani.Once,he opened his sealed pay packet to find the word 'Paki' scrawling inside.Tak masuk lagi cerita bagaimana dia diseksa ditempat kerja,dimaki hamun,dibuli dan diugut bunuh.Geram sungguh!This is an extreme cases though and I think it's quite rare now.Hopefully kita semua boleh mengambil pengajaran daripada sikap yang tak senonoh ini.I don't agree with some of us to address a Pakistani as "Paki "or "Kipa/s " atau apa-apa sahaja yang mengikut pendapat saya,boleh menimbulkan ketidaksenangan pada hati mereka.I personally think that ianya berbaur diskriminasi,lebih-lebih apabila setelah saya mempelajari module Human Resource Management dan Business Ethics. di universiti.So,elakkanlah kata-kata ataupun perbuatan yang berunsur perkauman.Tak penting pun warna kulit,rambut,race,ethnicity,or nationalities di sisi Allah.The most honoured among us,is the most pious,dan ianya boleh dicerminkan melalui perbuatan seharian kita.
PS:Sebenarnya,penulisan ini adalah gara-gara saya baru sahaja usai exam Business Ethics dan Human Resource Management II,hehe!Moga bermanfaat.
- Tackey et al (2006):Barriers to Employment for Pakistanis and Bangladeshis in Britain.
- Crane and Matten(2007):Business Ethics:A European Perspective.
- Beardwell and Claydon(2007):Human Resource Management:A Contemporary Approach.
Emelkan Nama, No Telefon dan Universiti anda kepada:


20 : Business Ethics Exam
21 : Human Resource Management II Exam
30 : Abe Se and Kak Ja's visit to Nottingham [tak sabarnya,yeay!]
31 : Abe Se and Kak Ja's visit to Nottingham
2 : Marketing Services Exam
3 : Arabic Language Written Test
4/5 : Picnic and praktis main rollerblade di Wollaton Park
9-11 : ISOC goes camping
27-30: Umrah (inshaAllah.Faezah (Warwick) is coming along with me...Doakan agar perjalanan kami ini dipermudahkan)
+visit Aisyah at Kent
+polish skill at-tenis kembali [siapa sanggup menjadi mangsaku?]
+a must-do-masak2 for my friends,fulfilling my promise
1-3 : Umrah (inshaAllah,ameen...)
13-26 : Pelan Sambutan Parents Saya [SPS] + graduation day on 16 [ameen]
27-31 : Volunteering for The International Tennis Federation's annual wheelchair tennis tournament [rasa macam berminat.anybody else is interested?]
+more shoppings
+packing + shipping
1-2:volunteering for The International Tennis Federation's annual wheelchair tennis tournament
+balik Malaysia for good [preferably alone.boleh nangis sorang-sorang dalam flight,haha!]
+visit SCIPP and the kids
+belajar drive kereta balik
Haih,sekejapnya masa berlalu...Honestly,saya tak mahu balik Malaysia lagi..
[I know,pemikiran yang sungguh berbeza berbanding dengan Malaysians yang lain]

In UK,Mother's Day falls on the 22nd of March this year.Meanwhile,in Bahrain, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, and United Arab Emirates, Mother's Day is always celebrated on May 10.
Petikan Surah Al-Isra',Ayat 23-25:
23. dan Tuhanmu telah perintahkan, supaya Engkau tidak menyembah melainkan kepadanya semata-mata, dan hendaklah Engkau berbuat baik kepada ibu bapa. jika salah seorang dari keduanya, atau kedua-duanya sekali, sampai kepada umur tua Dalam jagaan dan peliharaanMu, maka janganlah Engkau berkata kepada mereka (sebarang perkataan kasar) sekalipun perkataan "Ha", dan janganlah Engkau menengking menyergah mereka, tetapi Katakanlah kepada mereka perkataan Yang mulia (yang bersopan santun).
24. dan hendaklah Engkau merendah diri kepada keduanya kerana belas kasihan dan kasih sayangmu, dan doakanlah (untuk mereka, Dengan berkata): "Wahai Tuhanku! Cucurilah rahmat kepada mereka berdua sebagaimana mereka telah mencurahkan kasih sayangnya memelihara dan mendidikku semasa kecil."
25. Tuhan kamu lebih mengetahui akan apa Yang ada pada hati kamu; kalaulah kamu orang-orang Yang bertujuan baik mematuhi perintahNya, maka Sesungguhnya Dia adalah Maha Pengampun bagi orang-orang Yang bertaubat.
Untuk ayat yang ke 24 yang telah dibold dan di highlightkan dengan warna merah,Sister Fullah pernah menerangkan bahawa phrase 'merendahkan diri kepada keduanya' itu diibaratkan seekor burung yang merendahkan diri lalu mengembangkan kepak bagi menyeliputi anak-anaknya untuk memberi perlindungan dan kasih sayang kepada anak-anak mereka itu-showing that we have to shower our parents with love and security like what the bird did to its babies.

Mode:revising Business Ethics and Human Resource Management II for her upcoming exams.Prepare earlier and say NO to stress.
Mothering Sunday
ps:Mother's Day in the

The rest kalau nak layan dokumentari ini pun sangat-sangatlah dialukan...Happy watching and happy revising for the final exams! =)
PS:Ada sepuluh episod.Make sure you watch them all.
Warm regards;
Yesterday,I went for Dunkirk Quiz which was organized by the new committee of Nottingham Malaysian Society.Walaupun saya non-Dunkirk residents,terasa juga mahu turut serta dalam aktiviti menarik seperti ini,lebih-lebih apabila ianya memberi peluang kepada Malaysian to mingle with the local people here.Many of my non-Malaysian friends that I knew before this are prone to party, clubbing,and free mingling between boys and girls,which makes me feel very uneasy(I may be open minded,but I will not transgress the limits inshaAllah,ameen).I know that they are already part of their culture,thus I respect their social life.But,to compromise my religion just to fit myself with the culture??Na'uzubillah..And I hope each and everyone of us,manage to resist the dunya's fitnah and temptations.Regardless of our family backgrounds,sponsorships received,courses pursued,etc..do support one another..it's crucially important.And that's one of the role of clubs and societies in universities =D
So,alhamdulillah,yesterday was a pleasure evening.My gratitude goes to the committee and all the participants for making it a great event.I suggest NMS to held more activities that involves Malaysian community and the locals in Nottingham,to provide a platform for us,Malaysian to create network,gain transferable skills and shared experience while we are completing our study here.
Anda beruntung wahai hadirin Dunkirk Quiz sekalian.Inilah dia hasil ke'mengamuk'an saya semalam setelah bertapa di dalam bilik empat segi Riverside selama sebulan lebih.Taraaa!~

gambar bukan sebenar(diambil dari website resepidiana.com)
Sumber: Kak Hanieliza
Bahan Lapisan Bawah
1 cawan pisang [potong dadu atau lecek]
1/2 cawan gula pasir
1 cawan tepung beras
2 s/b tepung kastad
2 cawan santan cair
secubit garam
sedikit pewarna kuning
1. Panaskan kukusan. Alaskan loyang bulat saiz 8 inci dengan daun pisang atau spukan minyak sekiranya tiada daun pisang.
2. Gaulkan semua bahan dan tuangkan dalam loyang.
3. Masukkan dalam kukusan dan kukuslah selama 30 minit.
4. Bila nak bubuh adunan atas, cakarkan permukaan lapisan bawah.
Bahan Atas
1 cawan tepung beras
3 cawan santan pekat
1 s/k garam
1. Gaulkan semua bahan supaya sebati dan rata.
2. Tapiskan kedalam kuali tak lekat dan kacau sebentar.
3. Bila nampak pekat, tutup api dan tuangkan keatas lapisan bawah
4. Kukuskan lagi 20 minit.
5. Sejukkan betul-betul dan potong untuk dihidangkan
PS:Gula dan santan (pekat/cair) pandai-pandaila adjust,ikut taste dan kreativiti masing-masing.
PS2:Honestly,ni first time saya dengar,buat dan makan kuih ini Malunya...tapi rasanya ramai je yang tak tahu pasal kuih tradisional ni.
PS3:Sori to Zaffan,and my dear flatmates:Kristie,Maria,Tharani,IntanSyaz & Diana,tak sempat nak simpan untuk korang.Nanti Intan buat lagi next time,inshaAllah..