Q from Jongho

Jongho,wishing to be a CEO one day.May God bless him..

Jongho:Ermmm..Intan,why do you have to wear a cloth to cover yourself??

Intan:You mean this hijab??(sambil memegang tudung kamik)


Intan:Owh.It's obligatory in Islam,and it's just one way to protect women.

Jongho:You are hiding your beauty to protect yourself??

Intan:(Beauty???Gelak tahap langit ke tujuh dalam hati).Well,sort of.In Islam,we believe that women are very precious like treasured jewelleries.So,if you really love something that means so much to you,you will hide it at a safe and secure place,aren't you?You won't easily show it to other people.

So,every women who has reached their puberty need to cover their aurat i.e. certain parts of the body that we need to cover according to Islam.You can say that we have reach the maturity stage,and that is why we have to protect ourselves by doing so.I can only show my aurat to certain people like female friends,and family members.It is already prescribed in our Holy book,Quran.

Jongho:Okay,so you are saying that you are protecting yourself to refrain from a guy from being tempted??

Intan:(Alamak)Errrr,I'm not saying that you are easily tempted or anything.But,we believe that muslim women must not only help themselves in this matter,but we have to help the guys as well.You know that male and female are made for each other,and they complement one another.In Islam,we have limits in relationship between male and female,not to oppress the women,but to save and treasure them.

Jongho:Yeahhh,I think you are right.Guys are easily tempted..(dia cakap ok,bukan saya)

Intan:Hehehe..Ahhh,before I forget..Don't you ever think that I'm wearing hijab because I am bald,ok??!I am not bald ok,lol~(emo sat,tiba-tiba teringat ada satu misconception tentang wanita bertudung ni)

Jongho:Yes,yes..Haha..I know,Intan..(dengan muka sakit perut tahan gelak.)

Walaupun saya rasa penjelasan saya agak berterabur apabila menggunakan Bahasa Inggeris,I think he got my point.Syukur sebab dia bertanya,at least bertambahla sedikit ilmu dia tentang Islam kan??Alhamdulillah~Pada masa yang sama,saya juga perlu praktis dan improve skill explaining Islam to both muslim and my non muslim friends.Berusaha!!




agree..agak mencabar nak explen bende camni kat non-muslim especially yang non-malaysian.

nway, WOW really taught us something. mabruk to the organiser n facis.;)

utk kta semua..especially women/girls..gambate!!



yeah, way to go kak intan!!!



Syafiqah and kuchinque..

sebenarnya ada conversation tambahan yang sy t include dalam ni.as for example,dia tatau puberty apa maksudnya(kenala makcik intan mengexplain sikit) dan saya betau dia yang nun pun cover lebih kurang cam muslim.

i'm glad that WOW enlightened you and other participants.Akak pun banyak belajar juga :)

memang satu challenge kalau nak explain pasal islam to the non muslim esp the non malaysian,but that doesnt mean that you cant do it.

dapatkan ilmu,praktikkan,dan tahu adab dan cara berkongsi ilmu dengan sahabat.

wallahualam,mari kita berusaha!hehe


akakk..kamel pon nak belajar cara mengexplen jugak.. ni kira snagat bagus tau. kamel lagi la dgn english berterabur dgn asyik hilang idea dgn ilmu tohor..isk2..

btw, kak. ehem. hahaha


akak rasa komuniti muslim kat brighton lagi kurang berbanding dengan di nottingham.kamel kenala bertapa lagi ye coz u are the muslim ambassador over there.apa yang awak cakap sangat penting untuk memberi kefahaman kepada non muslim disini tentang islam.

btw,apa ehem2?


oh ya!
soalan yg sring dikunjg tiba olh seorng muslimah
it was happpnd to me as well
it is quite hrd to explain it
but if we blve we re doin
so,it wl be fine


yurpp....this is only one common question yang akan diajukan kepada muslimat.saya pernah juga disalah anggap sebagai non muslim oleh seorang teman hanya kerana saya tidak memakai purdah/niqab dan tidak berpakaian dalam serba kehitaman.hehe,lucu juga rasanya bila teringat balik kenangan itu.

aha,one question yg boleh difikir juga.kenapa islam membenarkan poligami??jeng jeng jeng~

let's be proud and be thankful to Allah for all the islamic laws and regulations,that are made to fit our fitrah as humankind..



kagum dgn explanation akak :)


wsalam wbt...

akak rasa akak main tibai ajela mimi..alhamdulillah,at least diberi ilham dan kekuatan untuk membicarakan islam dengan non muslim walaupun dengan ilmu yang sedikit.

ehehe,awak dah nak pergi NZ esok bukan??all the best mimi :) u have our prayer~