Vote Izreena and Khaidir For NUS Delegates!

Salam..this is a quick post since I'm occupied with my coursework.

To both Izreena and Khaidir,I'm really proud of you.They are still green and young,but they have guts to become the NUS Delegates.It's not an easy task especially for the new students,ok?

Why vote for them?You can read their manifestos below.Plus!I knew them.and I have faith in them.Jadi,marilah kita mengundi!!

This is the email's extract from Firdaus Rahim,NUS Delegate for 06/07 and 07/08.

To Whom It May Concern:

I am very pleased to recommend these two young Malaysian students; Ahmad Khaidir Ahmad Khairuddin(2nd year
Business Student) and Nur Izreena Ismail(1st year Medical) as candidates for the NUS Delegate 2008/2009.

NUS stands for the National Union of Students, where 38 candidates will be running for 18 seats in the NUS conference next year. They will stand as the representatives for the University of Nottingham in the conference. Their single vote is important to determine or at least to affect the policies in university that are mostly student-related. This applies for all universities in UK as a whole.

Here are the excerpts from their manifesto for your close reference,

1) Ahmad Khaidir Ahmad Khairuddin

-involved in charitable works, participant of UNESCO activities, able to interact with all levels of people, has working experience as an auditor.

-Policy: no to racism and discrimination, campaign to keep the cap on tuition fees, campaign for academic freedom, encourage more interactions between local and international students.

2)Nur Izreena Ismail

-Volunteered for the Malaysian Flood Aid Mission 2007, actively involved in the Malaysian Rehabilitation Centre,active member in several societies etc..

-Policy:I aim to enhance relationship between local and international students.I am against increase in tuition fees.I am against racism and discrimination. I am highly dedicated to ensure all your voices heard"

To brothers, please kindly vote khaidir #1 and izreena #2

To sisters please kindly vote Izreena #1 and Khaidir #2

And i would also suggest you to vote for a few other Muslim candidates as i believe they are strong candidates as well and will make your voice heard nationally, insya Allah

May Allah accept this small effort for the political survival of the British Muslim and for the ummah as a whole


The polling details are as below:

Voting date: 24th - 28th November 2008

Polling Stations: GGL,Hallward, Portland Building,QMC, Jubilee,Sutton


OR Via online at my.nottingham.


M Firdaus Abdul Rahim

NUS Delegate 0607 & 0708

0789 428 3300


wah! bagusnye Izreena. If I'm there I'd definitely vote! Akak votekan utk saya ye.
Smpaikan salam pada Izreena!


psst..minta izin linkkan blog akak pada blog saya ye..


subhanallah. :)

saya kagum dgn mereka.
especially izreena, sbb saya tahu sedikit sebanyak background dia.
plus, both r my groupmates.

p/s = bak kata kak intan,"stalker~".. hehe :P



akak dah vote pun untuk diorang .tlgla doakan diorang yer:)

psst,kamu privatekan blog kamu,kejam~ :P


stalk izreena lebih baik dari stalk khaidir,haha!(kidding)

camne tempat baru mimi??semoga awak dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan suasana di sana secepat mungkin.


haiyo kak intan.

kite xstalk kahidir pun.
izreena sahaja.
sbb saya ada ramai kawan yg kenal izreena tuh. hehe.

tmpat baru? alhamdulillah. oke kot. ;)


haiyo miminapis

t nampak kamu online.ingat akak nak send satu lagu nih kat kamu,kasik semangat sket.i tried to send it tru emel,but fail coz t sure the real address is.

gambatte di NZ~
kuatkan semangat and jangan takut2 ok?:)

ps:pssstt,pssttt izreena...are u reading this entry?jgn lupa janji kita untuk berkenduri kalo dapat jadik NUS Delegates nnt yer,kuikuikui~