More Barbarians!!

Reading of the recent death under police custody, we are bewildered and have to pose this question to our Prime Minister, “Will there be no end to this?”

Why are there so many deaths under police custody? And why do these corpses bear marks of police brutality? Do we have professional personnel or sadists interrogating suspects? Do we really get to the truth or force confessions out of these unfortunate suspects through coercion and brutal means?

The 22-year-old Kugan Ananthan, who it was claimed collapsed during interrogation and subsequently died, had markings all over his body which clearly establishes that he had been subjected to torture and inhuman treatment while under custody. Who inflicted these injuries and why was this necessary?

Urghhhh,I'm so annoyed!!

 and Malaysiakini


Allah... ape dah jadi nie?!! dasat toi


"Sesungguhnya Allah meWAJIBkan (kalian) berbuat baik terhadap segala sesuatu,maka bila kalian hendak membunuh orang(dalam peperangan ataupun yang lainnya),bunuhlah dengan cara yang baik,dan bila kamu menyembelih (binatang),maka sembelihlah dengan cara yang baik,hendaklah kalian menajamkan pisau dan memperlakukan haiwan sembelihan dengan lembut."(HR Muslim)

Even dalam perang sekalipun,umat Islam dilarang menyeksa musuh mereka..nak bunuh musuh Islam pun ada caranya.nak sembelih binatang pun,kena guna cara yang terbaik supaya binatang tak rasa sakit lama2..

Is this what they call "Bersih,Cekap dan Amanah" and "Mesra,Cepat dan Betul"??

Masing-masing kalau buat kerja dengan betul,xdelah jadi macam ni pi'e :(

Ps:I know there are some good policemen out there.I appreciate them..


Salam Sis Nadia,

It has been quite awhile since I visited here and I know each and every time I visit this blog of yours, I gained something; this time it is no different.

Yea, I have heard about Kugan's news: this is indeed a very sad news to our nation - it shows just how questionable our level of professionalism of the Police force in our country. Regardless, milk had been spilled and harm had been done. Justice for Kugan must be upheld.

By the way, how are things? Is life treating you well over there? :)


Salam Nova..

I'm doing good here.Currently waiting for the results which will be released on this 2nd Feb.I've started my final semester today.It's sad to admit that I have to leave the uni life soon :( How about you?

anyway,your blog is wwwwwaaaaaayyyyyyy better than mine ;).


mmg btol2 brutal..!!