Result CTM Coursework

Dear Student

The marked coursework for Culture, Tourism and the Media is now available for collection from the Business School Undergraduate Enquiries Office (room A3, Business School North Building, Jubilee Campus). Our office opening hours are 9.30am to 3.30pm, Monday to Friday.

Please bring your student ID when collecting your coursework.

Please note that we cannot give marks out by phone or e-mail.

Richard Gosling
Undergraduate Programmes Administrator
Telephone: 0115 8466068

Exam pun tak start lagi,result coursework CTM dah siap ditanda.But I don't feel like knowing the result now.I'm more worried with my Adverstising,and Marketing Communication coursework.Why do I don't receive any news about it yet??Allah..risaunya.Janganlah kerisauanku ini menjejaskan fokusku untuk exam yang bakal dihadapi pada hari esok.

Anyway,congrats untuk Diana di atas result coursework CTM yang memberangsangkan!Semoga makin bersemangat untuk exam esok hari..


Insya'allah.. kalau my Duyung boleh dpt that kind of mark.. u punya Puteri Gunung Ledang (PGL) + dato' shah rukh khan insya'allah get a much better mark. to add on, u buat tu way earlier than mine..

Sangat2 berterima kasih to u sebab tolong i dulu dgn CTM.. ahhh~ those days..

n for AMC.. do not worry... all this while I pun x prnh dpt notification bila submit CW ikut posting box.

ehh.. i buat entry sendiri ker kt sini..hikhikhik


Hehe..hebat makcik Diana ni..Duyung dia punye marks surpasses Beslan's!!Lol,congrats anyway~Duyung kamu ada kelass~

Oh well..Time does matter,but quality of the essay(including the contents,referencing etc)is much,much more important..I think you would agree with me on this matter:D

Oh,tahniah juga untuk markah group work AGS yang cukup bagus.sikit lagi nak masuk excellent :) Bestnya korang~

Huu,esok nak perang dengan SM dan HRM pulak ultimate nightmare!!