1 Day Daawah Training


The 1 day daawa training is aimed to train individuals on basics of daawa etiquettes and manners of calling to Islam,clearing misconceptions and encouraging interfaith dialogue.

The workshops will be interactive and based on videos and role plays. Some great speakers will be present to give these seminars and answer your questions.

The aims are to:

1. To Learn the importance of and reason behind Dawa

2. To help develop skills and in still confidence in young Muslim students in regards to how to talk to non-Muslims about their Religion

3. Be able to introduce and present Islam to non-Muslims in an attractive simplistic fashion

4. Understand, appreciate and act on the moral and social etiquette in regards to conducting Dawa

5. Have a basic understanding of the sort of backgrounds and Beliefs Non-Muslims hold

6. Be able to answer some of the common questions raised about Islam by Non-Muslims; including those regarding women, terrorism, freedom and contemporary issues

7. Appreciate the common mistakes that are made whilst doing Dawa and how to avoid repeating them

8. Learn ways in which students on an individual and communal level and carry out Dawa Initiatives

9. Discuss any other issues that are related to Dawa and how to present the religion of Islam to non-Muslims, whilst also being sensitive and open to difference in opinion.

A rare opportunities indeed.Clashes with Prog PIS with UZAR,but I feel like coming afterwards..Especially bila Miss Vice Pres dah ajakni.Hurmmm,tengoklah macam mana...

Those who decide not to come for PIS, why not attend this daawah training?It should be very interesting!


menarik~! ;)

nnti akak tulis kat blog akak eh.

sharing is caring.
caring is loving.
hehe. :P